Balluff Vietnam "Model: BTL5-E10-M0150-P S32 (BTL5-E10-M0150-PS32)
Order code: BTL0324
Weight: estimate 1 kg"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES01A8
Description: BES 516-324-EO-C-03
Net weight: 0.059 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Inductive Sensors
Order code: BES01FU
Type code: BES 516-355-BO-C-03
Net weight: 0.236 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Order code: BES01FY
Type code: BES 516-355-BO-C-PU-03
Net weight: 0.165 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Order code: BES007C
Type code: BES M18MI-NSC50B-BV03
Net weight: 0.15 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Inductive Sensors
Order code: BES01FU
Type code: BES 516-355-BO-C-03
Net weight: 0.236 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Order code: BES01FY
Type code: BES 516-355-BO-C-PU-03
Net weight: 0.165 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Order code: BES007C
Type code: BES M18MI-NSC50B-BV03
Net weight: 0.15 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BAM014K
Net weight: 30 G"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BCC00YE
Net weight: 0.124 KG
(BKS-S115-PU-_ _
Order code: BCC00YE)"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES00M4
BES 516-3044-G-E4-C-PU
Net weight: 45.223 G
(Model: BES516-3044-G-E4-C-PU05)"
Balluff Vietnam "Order code: BCC0312
Connector with cable BCC M425-0000-1A-004-PX0334-050
Net weight: 0.725 KG
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES01ZW
Type: BES M08MI-PSC40B-S49G (Bes M08MI- PSC40B-S49G)
Weight : 0.027 kg / pcs"
Balluff Vietnam "Model: BIS M-120-01/L
Order code: BIS0047
Net weight: 10.799 G"
Balluff Vietnam "Model: BIS M-451-007-001-00-S115
Order code: BIS00ER
Net weight: 0.498 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Correct: BKS-S115-PU-02
Order code: BCC00YE
Net weight: 0.124 KG
8-pin, straight female
BIS M-4_ _
with RS232 port: BKS-S115-PU-02)"
Balluff Vietnam "Correct: BKS-S116-PU-02
Order code: BCC00YU
Net weight: 0.15 KG
(8-pin, right-angle, female
BIS M-4_ _
with RS232 port: BKS-S116-PU-02)"
Balluff Vietnam "Correct: BTL5 E50 M0305 J DEXC TA12
Order code: BTL08UP
(BLT5 E50 M0305 J DEXC TA12)"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES0087
Net weight: 0.05 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BOS014W
BOS 18M-PA-RH22-S4
Net weight: 0.071 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES00P7
BES 516-324-G-E5-C-S49
Net weight: 0.014 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Order code: BSI0002
BSI R11A0-XB-CXS045-S75G
Net weight: 0.119 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Order code: BSI0003
Net weight: 0.109 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BSI0004
BSI R11A0-XB-CXP360-S75G
Net weight: 0.11 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BSP004H
BSP V010-EV002-D00A0B-S4
Net weight: 0.272 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES02MM
BES 517-110-RK
Net weight: 0.044 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES02RJ
Description: BES 516-300-S135-D-PU-10
Net weight: 0.15 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Code: BES 517-110
Net weight: 0.033 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BHS004M
Description: BES 516-300-S321-NEX-S4-D
Net weight: 0.059 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES005W
Correct: BES M12MI-PSC20B-BV03
(BES M12M1 PSC20B BV03)"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES00YZ
Description: BES 516-370-G-E4-C-PU-05
Net weight: 0.159 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES007T
Description: BES M18MI-POC50B-BV03
Net weight: 0.158 KG
(BES007T BESM18MI- P0C50B-BV03)"
Balluff Vietnam "PROXIMITY
Ordering code: BES0001
Description: BES M12MI-PSC40B-BV03
Net weight: 0.13 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BHS002H
Type: BES 516-300-S240-D-PU-03 "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES00YZ
Description: BES 516-370-G-E4-C-PU-05
Net weight: 0.159 KG / pc"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES007T
Description: BES M18MI-POC50B-BV03
Net weight: 0.158 KG / pc"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES00N6
BES 516-324-E4-C-PU-05 (BES 516 - 324-E4-C-PU-05)
Weight: 0.068 kg"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES00FU
Description: BES 516-3005-E4-C-PU-05"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BIS0011
BIS C-122-04/L (BIS-C 122-04/L)
Net weight: 0.001 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES00PY
Description: BES 516-325-G-E5-C-S4
Net weight: 0.026 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES0113
Description: BES 516-377-G-E5-C-S49
Net weight: 0.014 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BHS0031
Description: BES 516-300-S262-NEX-S4-D
Net weight: 0.061 KG
MODEL: BES 516-300-5262-5440)"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BHS0032
Description: BES 516-300-S262-S4-D
Net weight: 0.029 KG
MODEL: BES 516-300-5262-5440)"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES028L
Description: BES 516-211-E4-E-03 (BES-516-211-E4-E-03)
Net weight: 0.146 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Code: BIS C-190-05/L
Ordering code: BIS002K"
Balluff Vietnam "Model: BTL7-A-CB01-USB-KA
Ordering code: BAE0040
Noted: Software free"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES01PF
Description: BES M08EH-PSC15B-S04G
Net weight: 0.019 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Correct: BES M12MI-PSC20B-BV02
Order code: BES005U
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES008L
Description: BES M18MI-PSC80B-S04G
Net weight: 0.054 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "PLUG M12/BCC M425-0000-1A-008-P
Note: Please confirm the code"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES0068
Description: BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G
Net weight: 0.031 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BSP004H
Description: BSP V010-EV002-D00A0B-S4
Net weight: 0.272 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES01N5
Description BES 517-398-NO-C-03
Note: Clearly confirm before order
(BES 517 318 NO -C-03)"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES004M
Net weight: 0.1 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES008M
Net weight: 0.049 KG
(BES 008M/BESM18MI/BSC80B-S04K)"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES005U
Net weight: 0.104 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BVS000T
Description: BVS ID-3-003-E
Net weight: 0.18 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BVS000W
Description: BVS OI-3-057-E
Net weight: 0.154 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BAE00EH
Description: BAE PD-VS-002-E (BAEPD-VS-002-E)
Net weight: 0.287 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BAE000J
Description: BAE LX-VS-RR100 (BAELX-VS-RR100)
Net weight: 0.432 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Model: BES M08MI-PSC20B-BP10
Ordering code: BES03TL"
Balluff Vietnam Order code: BCC0995
Balluff Vietnam Order code: BCC0E7T
Balluff Vietnam Order code: BAM00WN
Balluff Vietnam Order code: BAM0031
Balluff Vietnam Order code: BAM01YT
Balluff Vietnam Order code: BAM01YP
Balluff Vietnam "BVS Z-MB-01
Ordering code: BAM00WN"
Balluff Vietnam "BMS-CS-M-D12-IZ
Ordering code: BAM0031"
Balluff Vietnam "BMS RS-M-D12-0150-00
Ordering code: BAM002R"
Balluff Vietnam "BCC M415-E834-AG-672- ES64N8-050
Ordering code: BCC0E7T"
Balluff Vietnam "BCC M454-M454-5D-RM002-000
Ordering code: BCC06YP"
Balluff Vietnam "BCC M414-M414-6D-331-PS54T2-200
Ordering code: BCC04K4"
Balluff Vietnam "BCC M418-0000-1A-046-PS0825-050
Ordering code: BCC0995"
Balluff Vietnam "BNI EIP-950-000-Z009
Ordering code: BNI000F"
Balluff Vietnam "BCC M415-M415-5D-687- ES64N8-050
Ordering code: BCC0ANC"
Balluff Vietnam "BAM PC-AE-002-1
Ordering code: BAM01A8"
Balluff Vietnam "BCC M414-E834-8G-668-PS54T2-020
Ordering code: BCC04K7"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BES02H7
Description: BES 516-114-SA1-05
Net weight: 0.627 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BVS000E
Description: BVS OI-3-005-E (BVSOI-3-005-E)
Net weight: 0.19 KG "
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BCC032F
Description: BCC M415-0000-1A-003-PX0434-020
Net weight: 0.072 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BCC032K
Description: BCC M415-0000-1A-014-PS0434-020
Net weight: 0.093 KG"
Balluff Vietnam "Ordering code: BNS00J4
Description: BNS 819-D04-R12-100-10
Net weight: 0.92 KG "